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Learning to Fly: a hummingbird mid-flight on a blurred green background
Cover of the Teaching Introverts Cheat Sheet

Teaching Introverts Cheat Sheet

A free download with tips for teaching introverts

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Inspiring Inquiries Course in Inquiry-based learning for ELT

Inspiring Inquiries Course

A six-week course for EFL teachers on inquiry-based learning

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Inspiring Inquiries Youtube Channel

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Four covers of the Inspiring Inquiries resource packs

Inspiring Inquiries Resource Packs

Themed inquiry projects ready to use in the primary classroom

Cover of the Teaching Introverts Toolkit

Teaching Introverts Toolkit

10 resources for teaching introverts

The Inclusive Back 2 School Challenge

Join me over on YouTube every Friday for a weekly task to make your classroom inclusive!

A laptop showing the Inspiring Inquiries YouTube channel. Text reads The Inclusive Back to School Challenge.