How my business has developed so far

How my business has developed so far

If you’ve known me for a while, you will probably know me as either a young learner teacher or a materials writer. I have been teaching English since 1999 (yes, that’s how old I am!) and I continued teaching full-time until 2016. I was already writing...

New course launch!

If you’re here it may be because you’ve found my website by chance. It’s more likely, however, seeing as Google doesn’t think my SEO is good enough yet, that you saw something on LinkedIn or Instagram and decided to give it a read. Introducing… An Introduction to...

Introducing the Inclusive Approaches Blog

Thank you for stopping by the Inclusive Approaches blog. I’m Michelle Worgan and here I’ll be sharing my thoughts, experiences and ideas about teaching and learning approaches. So why the new website and blog? A few months ago I decided I wanted to take my career in a...