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Inspiring Inquiries Mini Resource Pack: Gifts

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Want to try inquiry-based learning with your young learners? The Inspiring Inquiry resource packs will help guide you through an inquiry on well-known topics in primary ELT. Each resource pack is based around a theme. The pack contains an  inquiry question with ideas on how to plan and develop an inquiry for learners of different age groups and levels.

This mini resource pack is best suited for learners aged 6 to 12 with a Pre-A1 to A1+ level.

The pack includes step by step plan plus ideas for setting up and leading the inquiry and a set of printable worksheets.


Want to try inquiry-based learning with your young learners? The Inspiring Inquiry resource packs will help guide you through an inquiry on well-known topics in primary ELT. Each resource pack is based around a theme. The pack contains an  inquiry question with ideas on how to plan and develop an inquiry for learners of different age groups and levels.

This pack is a mini inquiry. What does that mean? It’s a short inquiry that can be carried out in approximately three lessons.

It is best suited for learners aged 6 to 12 with a Pre-A1 to A1+ level.

The pack includes step by step plan plus ideas for setting up and leading the inquiry and a set of printable worksheets. There are also ideas for extending into longer projects.

This pack is on the topic of gift giving and students explore the question: What makes the perfect gift? 


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